111.   An airline source said carriers are no longer willing to subsidize agencies, paying their overhead while agencies write cruise tickets and reserve car rentals and hotels.

112.   And a source said Dee, while traveling, made a stopover in Dallas late last night to meet with Davis.

113.   An industry source said the company has hired a heavy hitter in public relations, New York-based Linda Robinson, to help with its campaign in Congress.

114.   An Israeli military source said Israeli and Palestinian officials were cooperating to identify the bodies and notify families of the deceased.

115.   An NFL source says Young generally sides with Boisture, one reason Reeves recently went public with his disgruntlement.

116.   And at least two teen-age boys had run away from the home before DSS eventually removed all of the foster children placed there, DSS sources said.

117.   And IBM is not officially commenting, although sources say it has not ruled out a bid.

118.   And during the talks, Finneran compromised and agreed to lower the price of the demand, sources said.

119.   And Leon Lett is close to a deal that would pay him less than on the open market, a source said.

120.   And investigators found no indication that Sampson ever made an effort to follow through on his threat, one source said.

n. + say >>共 480
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expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
source + v. >>共 134
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