111.   Samir Joubeh, an owner, would have had no time to sip hot coffee laced with cardamom.

112.   Seven months ago, she and a prospective client from Thailand sipped coffee in the White House with the President of the United States and his political aides.

113.   Sipping coffee from a foam cup, DeVillars goes into his pitch for a clutch of reporters and editorsabout the need for a new, more cooperative EPA .

114.   Sipping coffee, Mosley answers questions as they pop up on the screen from book club members and McManus keys them in.

115.   Sipping coffee in the Mustafa Hotel, she smiles patiently, demurely contradicting an acquaintance who introduces her as a princess returning from Germany.

116.   Sipping his coffee at the Starbucks restaurant on Melrose Avenue here, Matt Siess said he loved the brew and the atmosphere.

117.   Sorvino sips her coffee and then sighs before continuing.

118.   So far, results have been highly promising with the first patient, who, before receiving NeuroCell-PD, could only sip coffee through a straw.

119.   Some domestic contributors were just happy to be able to tell colleagues that they slept in the Lincoln Bedroom or sipped coffee with the president at the White House.

120.   Take time to see the sunrise and sip the coffee.

v. + coffee >>共 225
drink 16.44%
sip 11.23%
have 7.02%
make 5.28%
serve 4.61%
pour 3.28%
buy 2.54%
want 2.14%
sell 2.07%
spill 2.07%
sip + n. >>共 113
coffee 18.22%
tea 11.50%
wine 7.48%
champagne 5.86%
drink 5.53%
water 4.99%
beer 4.45%
glass 3.58%
cup 2.71%
soda 2.60%
每页显示:    共 167