111.   They filed through the gates to her official residence, stopped one by one by army guards, their vehicles searched and then allowed to enter.

112.   Troops searched vehicles outside Brital.

113.   Troops searched vehicles outside Brital and banned journalists from entering the town to cover the funeral.

114.   Two U.N. vehicles were searched for Britons, U.N. officials said.

115.   Vehicles are searched and drivers are asked to take their bags out and open them for inspection.

116.   When the two refused to explain their presence in a predominantly Arab neighborhood, police searched their vehicle, discovering ingredients for a massive homemade bomb in the trailer.

117.   Yugoslav border authorities insisted on searching the vehicles and eventually confiscated some of their documents, making their return to Macedonia impossible.

118.   Yemeni police and soldiers closed off streets around the embassy and searched vehicles.

119.   Yugoslav border police ended Friday a one-day standoff with international truce observers by forcibly searching their vehicles, before allowing them to pass.

120.   In Colombo, where roadblocks and checkpoints are a regular feature, more constables and soldiers than usual could be seen on Sunday checking identity papers and searching vehicles.

v. + vehicle >>共 707
damage 3.75%
stop 3.48%
drive 2.96%
use 2.75%
search 2.72%
sell 2.12%
destroy 2.12%
park 1.99%
check 1.80%
steal 1.61%
search + n. >>共 595
area 8.95%
house 6.05%
home 6.00%
car 4.97%
vehicle 3.66%
building 3.10%
bag 2.72%
apartment 2.14%
site 1.99%
office 1.87%
每页显示:    共 144