111.   Despite the nationwide clamor for payment of back wages and new subsidies, the government has resisted the temptation to print more money.

112.   Dole, the Senate majority leader and presumptive Republican nominee for president, could not resist the temptation to offer his political cure.

113.   Dr. Melfi was shown resisting the temptation to tell Tony what happened to her, a move that would guarantee a violent end for the rapist.

114.   Doyle, the beer association chairman, said resisting the temptation to go for maximum growth helped his Harpoon Brewery keep its footing as others around him slipped.

115.   During a telephone press conference Monday, Gates and Microsoft chief counsel Bill Neukom resisted any temptation to do a celebratory dance in the end zone.

116.   During the war, Sladoje and his small band of helpers resisted the temptation to abandon their posts at this mental hospital.

117.   Does the author resist the temptation to label specific foods good or bad?

118.   Dong resists the temptation to launch a diatribe, allowing the material to speak for itself.

119.   Even so, White resists the temptation to sling arrows at his former boss.

120.   Even so, Williams cannot resist the temptation to get a bit closer to his quarry in a bid to compare the ground readings with those taken higher up.

v. + temptation >>共 75
resist 61.87%
avoid 11.03%
reduce 2.91%
fight 1.68%
remove 1.68%
increase 1.53%
understand 1.53%
offer 1.23%
face 1.07%
have 0.77%
resist + n. >>共 914
temptation 8.74%
pressure 7.83%
arrest 6.08%
effort 5.24%
call 4.93%
attempt 3.83%
change 3.12%
urge 2.88%
idea 2.51%
demand 2.19%
每页显示:    共 402