111.   He and Mehta developed homeland security scenarios with the help of the Institute for Defense Analysis, a research group in Alexandria, Va.

112.   He has access to several on-line services as a board member of the Computer Ethics Institute, a nonprofit research group.

113.   He asks a federal court in Pittsburgh to order the university to restore him to his position as head of the research group.

114.   He is now returning to the project as a consultant and to participate in the deliberations of the research group.

115.   He made his remarks at the Harvard Club in Manhattan, where he was invited by the Center for Educational Innovation-Public Education Association, a research group.

116.   He remains co-director of Project Zero, a research group at the graduate school that plumbs how children and adults learn.

117.   He has suggested the center host a workshop for a nonprofit environmental policy research group to pitch the idea of an academic consortium coordinated through the center.

118.   He previously was a managing director and co-head of the technology research group at Alex.

119.   He said his research group is now conducting a study of the geographic dispersion of Internet service providers.

120.   He told me that the U.S. government gives grants to only one out of five or six research groups.

n. + group >>共 591
opposition 6.73%
rebel 6.18%
consumer 3.64%
guerrilla 3.50%
advocacy 3.21%
right 3.08%
business 3.06%
trade 2.54%
industry 2.40%
aid 2.39%
research 1.23%
research + n. >>共 733
center 5.62%
project 5.43%
group 4.91%
institute 4.06%
firm 3.99%
team 3.77%
program 2.33%
organization 2.06%
director 1.98%
facility 1.95%
每页显示:    共 421