111.   The reforms would include a revamping of campaign finance laws, restricting the power of government lobbyists and other political housecleaning.

112.   The remaining tax reforms include the simplification of the individual income tax and corporate tax as well as the elimination of certain tax perks to corporations.

113.   The reforms also include privatisation, easing subsidies and attracting investment.

114.   The reforms include adapting listing requirements to strengthen issuer accountability, integrity, and transparency.

115.   The reforms include large cuts in spending to tackle the swelling budget deficit.

116.   The reforms include privatisation, cutting subsidies, rationalising state expenditure and increasing fees on government services.

117.   The reforms include privatisations and improvement of investment laws.

118.   The reforms include privatisations, improvement of investment laws, incentives for industrial projects and opening the stock market to foreigners.

119.   Other proposed constitutional reforms include the creation of a so-called High Council of State and a High State Court.

120.   Pending reforms include privatisation of public sector utilities, insurance, roads and ports, entry for foreign media and further liberalisation of the telecommunications sector.

n. + include >>共 1161
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list 1.51%
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figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
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reform 0.27%
reform + v. >>共 439
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go 2.50%
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