111.   Russian jets also were bombing rebel bases in Chechnya to pre-empt new incursions.

112.   Russian soldiers have pounded village after village in a futile attempt to wipe out rebel bases and bring the region under their control.

113.   Russian warplanes and helicopter gunships, meanwhile, strafed mountain passes and suspected rebel bases in southern Chechnya, in what has become a routine in recent months.

114.   Russian planes attacked suspected rebel hide-outs in southern Chechnya, and Russian forces fired artillery at rebel bases elsewhere, the official said.

115.   Since Ugandan forces began attacking rebel bases in southern Sudan in March, small rebel units have crossed into Uganda, raiding villages in three northern districts for supplies.

116.   Sri Lankan forces counterattacked by sending warplanes to bomb a nearby Tamil coastal rebel base in northeastern Sri Lanka.

117.   Sri Lankan gunships kept vigil Tuesday at a rebel base where a hijacked North Korean cargo vessel was being held by the guerrillas.

118.   Sri Lankan warships bombarded a Tamil Tiger rebel base on the northeastern coast early Wednesday, a naval official said.

119.   Small rebel boats were seen traveling from the ferry to the rebel base.

120.   State police and army troops have also been accused of human rights violations in raids against presumed rebel support bases in the mountains of Oaxaca.

n. + base >>共 609
army 9.83%
datum 7.76%
power 6.82%
customer 6.64%
fan 5.43%
guerrilla 5.19%
rebel 4.84%
tax 3.74%
support 2.09%
capital 1.77%
rebel + n. >>共 482
leader 16.02%
group 11.08%
force 5.07%
attack 4.07%
fighter 3.69%
commander 3.23%
stronghold 3.21%
movement 2.55%
position 2.14%
soldier 1.82%
base 1.31%
每页显示:    共 251