111.   Barge manager Sherri Boynes-Jackson said the Public Service Commission should not expect her company to help ferry operators by restricting passengers or raising its fees.

112.   Besides the privileges, BECL also asked the government to raise toll fees in September.

113.   But it says simply raising student fees is not the answer.

114.   He also wants to spur private investment in park preservation and raise concession fees paid by companies doing business in the parks.

115.   He also would raise license fees on dealers and ban Saturday night specials.

116.   However, the decision to raise school fees was not theirs, but had been taken by the foundation which provided the funds to set up the school.

117.   House Democrats oppose the plan to raise fees, which probably would be passed on to renters.

118.   Institute Perkim-Goon has also declared that it would not raise course fees especially during the economic slowdown to ensure students and their parents were not unduly burdened.

119.   Kuwaitis will have to pay annual taxes on house maids and drivers they employ, and exit fees will be raised at airports.

120.   Opposed raising grazing fees on federal land.

v. + fee >>共 446
pay 19.44%
charge 12.23%
collect 4.56%
raise 3.37%
waive 2.85%
impose 2.50%
increase 1.98%
reduce 1.91%
receive 1.86%
earn 1.41%
raise + n. >>共 391
money 11.41%
question 8.54%
concern 5.36%
price 4.42%
issue 4.42%
rate 4.28%
fund 2.88%
possibility 2.50%
tax 2.21%
fear 2.18%
fee 0.32%
每页显示:    共 135