111.   The protesters demanded the government release accurate information about the crisis, end post-electoral conflicts, solve political crimes and achieve greater democracy.

112.   The protesters demanded the release of two of their group arrested for disturbing the peace in the demonstration against stringent economic measures.

113.   The protesters demanded the resignation of U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and the lifting of the arms embargo on Bosnia.

114.   The protesters demanded the withdrawal of the U.S. military from South Korea.

115.   The protesters demanded Thursday that the factory reopen and their other demands be met.

116.   The protesters demanded to speak with President Ahmet Necdet Sezer, the spokesman said, speaking on customary condition of anonymity.

117.   The protesters were demanding a reduction in the price of gasoline, the construction of new water lines and the repair of streets.

118.   The protesters were demanding amnesty for undocumented workers, the end of clearcutting in national forests and affordable housing.

119.   The protesters were demanding that all council members resign.

120.   The protesters were demanding that Palestinian police ease a round-the-clock surveillance of the home.

n. + demand >>共 1253
group 3.60%
rebel 2.85%
government 2.78%
leader 2.77%
official 2.33%
protester 2.26%
union 1.94%
investor 1.90%
worker 1.79%
student 1.69%
protester + v. >>共 728
say 5.61%
be 5.08%
throw 3.00%
demand 2.87%
march 2.33%
burn 2.23%
try 2.04%
block 1.75%
call 1.55%
gather 1.48%
每页显示:    共 173