111.   Despite painful memories of a village midwife cutting off her clitoris with a razor, she intends her only daughter to have the same operation.

112.   For older men in the mentoring group, the book evoked painful personal memories of how blatantly blacks were mistreated before the civil rights era blossomed.

113.   For survivors of the attack, the sounds and images stirred painful memories.

114.   It is also a welcome distraction from painful memories.

115.   Kohl said he was thankful for the deep bonds that have developed between Israel and Germany, despite the painful memory of the Holocaust.

116.   Nancy Scott, a psychologist at the VA Medical Center in Phoenix, suggested that veterans avoid war movies that can trigger painful memories.

117.   Official visits to the shrine typically draw criticism from other Asian countries, which have painful memories of Japanese military aggression during the war.

118.   The attack on Seles remains a painful memory for both players.

119.   The insurgencies remain a painful memory for many Peruvians, who had little sympathy for Berenson.

120.   The mood was somber and the memories painful as a new ferry sailed Friday on the route of the Estonia, which capsized and sank in September.

a. + memory >>共 876
recent 8.70%
fond 4.91%
distant 2.89%
bad 2.87%
flash 2.84%
short-term 2.82%
painful 2.72%
good 2.26%
vivid 2.15%
bitter 1.95%
painful + n. >>共 774
memory 5.17%
experience 3.02%
reform 2.80%
process 2.26%
lesson 2.00%
reminder 1.93%
loss 1.42%
past 1.16%
decision 1.09%
position 1.02%
每页显示:    共 141