111.   Trainees are isolated from outer world contact and are given strict rules about interacting with the opposite sex.

112.   Under Kansas law, only couples of the opposite sex may marry.

113.   Using it will not make you more attractive to the opposite sex.

114.   Unfortunately, patience is something teenagers possess in about as abundant a supply as suaveness around the opposite sex.

115.   Vvice chancellor of student affairs Don Mills said overnight guests of the opposite sex are not allowed, according to TCU campus rules.

116.   Vicki-Ann is desperate to find a boyfriend, while Dimiti has given up on the opposite sex and is focusing her attention on fishing.

117.   Want to meet gorgeous members of the opposite sex?

118.   What are the rules for entertaining guests of the opposite sex?

119.   When did I first realize I had problems relating to the opposite sex?

120.   When dealing with people who are devoutly religious, say experts, one should respect their customs, particularly when touching someone of the opposite sex.

a. + sex >>共 683
opposite 5.58%
unprotected 5.21%
consensual 3.51%
convicted 3.25%
premarital 3.15%
same 3.08%
illegal 2.95%
former 2.82%
unsafe 1.74%
gay 1.67%
opposite + n. >>共 292
direction 24.21%
side 10.70%
effect 6.88%
end 6.60%
sex 6.06%
way 3.28%
field 2.64%
view 2.35%
approach 2.25%
conclusion 1.64%
每页显示:    共 169