111.   But Buckingham Palace observers have noted it was Harry who took her death the hardest, and the young prince has often seemed to struggle with his marginal role.

112.   But independent observers noted a large-scale response to the strike call.

113.   But other observers noted that Kim Il-Sung would abandon his nuclear program only in exchange for diplomatic recognition from Washington.

114.   But observers noted how the national Yonhap Television News coupled the showing with footage of South Korean emergency rice aid being shipped to the North.

115.   But observers noted that the national cable service, Yonhap television News, coupled the showing with footage of South Korean emergency rice aid being shipped to the North.

116.   But political observers noted here Sunday that registration officials had yet to be fully briefed on the process, and few people knew where to find the registration centres.

117.   Despite the high-stakes game of political poker, observers note that market reaction will determine the outcome of the debate.

118.   Coward said UN military observers had also noted shells exploding in Serb-held Vogosca, north of the city.

119.   Creditors and debtors sometimes announce different figures because they have used a different basis of calculation, observers noted.

120.   Domestic prices for food and staples remained high, however, observers here noted.

n. + note >>共 840
report 8.63%
official 8.23%
analyst 7.11%
observer 3.61%
expert 2.81%
critic 2.19%
researcher 1.79%
judge 1.34%
study 1.32%
statement 1.26%
observer + v. >>共 451
say 34.65%
believe 6.43%
be 6.16%
expect 3.51%
note 2.66%
think 2.45%
see 2.42%
agree 2.23%
predict 1.83%
report 1.70%
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