111.   The ministry said those declines would be in reaction to companies cutting back on production as the economy slows down after April.

112.   The ministry yesterday said the code would take effect immediately.

113.   The ministry had said earlier that the futures market would be launched sometime next year.

114.   The ministry has said it might suspend Nomura from doing business as well.

115.   The ministry originally said it would resume the purchases for about six months.

116.   The ministry proposal would expand a law that lets property owners transfer air rights for vacant land, the ministry said.

117.   The ministry said foreigners on remand are also allowed visits by consular officers.

118.   The ministry said instead that Major General Vladimir Shamanov would be awarded a Hero of Russia medal.

119.   The ministry said it had ordered the firm to come up with a plan to deal with its financial troubles by Monday.

120.   The ministry said it will consider cutting taxes on repackaging and modify laws immediately so investors can buy trust accounts that pay dividends from rental income on the land.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
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authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
ministry 0.73%
ministry + v. >>共 628
say 40.69%
be 3.96%
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deny 1.47%
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decline 1.14%
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