111.   The EU summit stopped short of giving a firm date for opening membership talks.

112.   The first five and Cyprus opened formal membership talks with the EU in March.

113.   The government said even if voters favored membership talks, it would not translate into actual membership.

114.   The issue has not even been discussed in the membership talks because EU governments disagree on how generous to be.

115.   The meeting is expected to decide on which EU associate member states will be invited for membership talks.

116.   The membership talks are already in crisis because of Swiss reluctance to let heavy trucks use its Alpine valleys to cross from northern to southern Europe.

117.   The two Mediterranean island nations have been promised membership talks within six months of the EU completing an major overhaul of its institutions ahead of enlargement.

118.   The statement was in response to the opening this week of EU membership talks with Cyprus and five Eastern European nations.

119.   The U.N.-sponsored negotiations were thrown into crisis Wednesday when Denktash refused to consider any U.N. proposals until the EU shelved plans for opening membership talks with Cyprus.

120.   The Union says it will start membership talks with the leading group of candidates within six months of concluding the overhaul.

n. + talk >>共 398
peace 53.86%
trade 5.03%
contract 2.48%
merger 2.45%
budget 1.95%
settlement 1.73%
security 1.00%
truce 0.94%
membership 0.87%
status 0.81%
membership + n. >>共 211
talk 13.26%
card 8.61%
fee 8.11%
negotiation 5.83%
due 3.80%
list 3.38%
application 2.70%
requirement 2.70%
drive 2.11%
criterion 2.03%
每页显示:    共 156