111.   The Republicans appear to be bent on embarrassing Clinton and keeping him distracted from major policy initiatives.

112.   The president is expected to make a major policy statement on the issue in the next few weeks.

113.   The trade legislation is one of the last major policy initiatives of the Clinton administration, which is lobbying feverishly for House approval.

114.   The shift to hollow-point bullets is a major policy decision that requires public input.

115.   The underlying strength and history of the North Atlantic relationship bodes well, but achieving a successful outcome will be a major policy challenge in the years ahead.

116.   There are still no clear signs that any of the major policy issues in the spending bills that divide President Clinton and Congress have been settled.

117.   There will be no major policy shifts and no change in message, Fleischer said.

118.   Then, there would be referendum votes on major policy changes, such as on welfare reform.

119.   These actions also go to the heart of a major policy battle in Washington.

120.   They also know that political profit lies in claiming sponsorship of major policies that please the electorate and not in sharing credit with the opposition.

a. + policy >>共 712
monetary 10.73%
economic 8.42%
new 8.36%
fiscal 1.93%
national 1.78%
social 1.65%
american 1.64%
current 1.48%
domestic 1.44%
major 1.42%
major + n. >>共 1020
currency 3.00%
city 2.43%
problem 1.81%
change 1.52%
issue 1.36%
company 1.34%
role 1.22%
championship 1.15%
player 0.98%
bank 0.94%
policy 0.40%
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