111.   It said that economic growth will be limited by the appreciation of the krona, cutting market shares at home and abroad.

112.   Negotiators at the Cairo conference crossed a minefield of sensitive language to reach a broad consensus on a plan to limit population growth.

113.   Meanwhile, the Vatican reiterated its belief that birth control should not be used to limit population growth.

114.   Rerngchai said finance companies which declined or refused to merge would face stricter central bank supervision and see their growth limited.

115.   That protein limits the spread of infections such as tuberculosis, and in test-tube experiments has limited the growth of the HIV virus that causes AIDS.

116.   The Finance Department has also argued that sticking to the IMF monetary targets would severely limit growth.

v. + growth >>共 699
slow 6.79%
spur 4.62%
stimulate 4.51%
boost 3.36%
show 3.06%
promote 2.72%
see 2.68%
encourage 2.14%
expect 2.01%
fuel 1.99%
limit 1.33%
limit + n. >>共 857
number 4.73%
access 3.00%
amount 2.24%
ability 2.15%
use 2.06%
damage 1.76%
loss 1.72%
power 1.47%
gain 1.29%
activity 1.11%
growth 1.03%
每页显示:    共 115