111.   Economic reformers complained from the start that the spending legislation was unrealistic.

112.   E-mail legislation is still in flux, with Congress considering different versions of a bill to regulate e-mail advertising.

113.   Even so, the White House stressed today that the legislation is not an attack on the managed-care industry.

114.   Ehlers noted that some members have reservations about releasing CRS reports, though he believed any general analysis legislation should be open to the public.

115.   Even though the House bill contains many changes requested by business, some groups like the National Association of Manufacturers refused to endorse it, saying legislation was premature.

116.   Experienced Washington lobbyists say that in addition to political and philosophical considerations, legislation is invariably a mosaic of human relationships.

117.   Finally, because the Senate will not actually receive the climate agreement until next year, there will not be actual legislation that can be picked apart.

118.   Farmers at the news conference said tobacco industry representatives led them to believe tobacco purchases would remain constant and perhaps increase if the legislation was defeated.

119.   For HMOs and other health insurers, the Medicare legislation is a mixed bag.

120.   Frankly, the legislation was the worst distraction.

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