111.   No less than Selig himself calls the Major League Baseball Players Association the most successful union in the history of the American labor movement.

112.   On one side are politicians of both the right and left, much of the labor movement and a growing number of business leaders.

113.   One of many who plunged into the labor movement, Hall made his name organizing union locals in the Midwest.

114.   Only by cooperating fully with investigators can they redeem the promise of a reborn labor movement.

115.   Other labor leaders, many of whom have expressed fear about the effect of workfare on the municipal labor movement, criticized the agreement as vague and unspecific.

116.   Part of the problem is the active opposition of the labor movement, which has staged a political comeback, analysts say.

117.   Praising NAFTA, Vice President Al Gore voiced confidence that the administration and the labor movement could work out their differences.

118.   SEVERAL FACTORS are making the labor movement more open to environmental causes, said Margaret Levi, director of the Center for Labor Studies at the University of Washington.

119.   Six janitors who clean the gleaming office towers of this small city began a hunger strike four days ago as part of an ambitious experiment by the labor movement.

120.   Strengthening civil society, democratizing the labor movement, giving women a greater voice and defending minorities are all steps in this direction.

n. + movement >>共 841
troop 8.32%
rebel 7.69%
independence 4.41%
labor 4.22%
opposition 3.88%
guerrilla 3.63%
reform 2.80%
youth 2.07%
price 2.01%
resistance 1.98%
labor + n. >>共 359
market 9.06%
cost 8.05%
law 5.74%
leader 5.46%
dispute 5.22%
camp 4.09%
force 2.58%
group 2.48%
unrest 2.48%
movement 2.28%
每页显示:    共 267