111.   Some jurors were very skeptical of Det. Philip Vannatter.

112.   Symington defense attorney Ter ence Lynam argued that the real reason the jurors were frustrated was that Cotey wanted to acquit Symington of all charges.

113.   State District Judge Sharen Wilson recalled a similar incident but said the jurors were much more vocal when the mistake was discovered.

114.   That immediately raised red flags because jurors are to consider only the evidence presented in court.

115.   The assumption has long been that jurors must be ignorant of a case to be fair.

116.   The bitter exchange occurred during an otherwise routine evidentiary hearing for which jurors were not present.

117.   The dismissed juror described how a second movie room had to be set up after white jurors were regularly outvoted on what to watch.

118.   The civil jurors would be surprised that they had missed so much about planted evidence and about Mark Fuhrman, the former police detective.

119.   The defendant asked that his case be transferred to federal court, where the jurors are older and more conservative.

120.   The comments were made in the context of a discussion about whether jurors were being dishonest in an effort to get on the jury.

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juror + v. >>共 438
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