111.   Unlike Viagra, which eases impotence by increasing blood flow to the penis, Uprima works in the brain.

112.   Viagra increases blood flow in the penis, while Uprima, in contrast, increases levels of a brain chemical thought important for causing erections.

113.   Wider access to telephones and use of the Internet have also increased the flow of information.

114.   When it needs more surplus for times of higher prices, like now, it can increase the flow from reservoirs and crank up the generators, he said.

115.   Zambia is concerned that civil war in Zaire will increase the flow of arms into the country, exacerbating an already high crime rate.

116.   It did not give details but said the IDFC would increase the flow of credit and supplement loans from existing financial institutions for infrastructure projects.

117.   A key part of increasing the flow of foreign capital will be obtaining further credits from the International Monetary Fund and other international financial organizations.

118.   At the same time, the credit structure will be readjusted to increase the flow of capital into the agricultural sector to boost grain and vegetable output.

119.   Australian Prime Miniister John Howard defended globalization, the controversial movement to increase the flow of goods and capital investment across national borders.

120.   Yeltsin will be undergoing multiple coronary bypass, a procedure intended to increase the flow of blood to the heart.

v. + flow >>共 394
stem 7.96%
stop 6.94%
control 6.14%
increase 4.42%
restrict 3.91%
reduce 3.36%
block 2.96%
improve 2.81%
halt 2.81%
slow 2.41%
increase + n. >>共 661
number 5.30%
risk 3.45%
pressure 3.43%
cost 2.23%
production 2.20%
chance 2.07%
security 1.77%
demand 1.67%
sale 1.66%
price 1.64%
flow 0.53%
每页显示:    共 120