111.   Zairian Prime Minister Kengo Wa Dondo said after meeting with Mobutu on Saturday that the leader had an appointment with his physician in the second half of November.

112.   He was expected back in Warsaw on Sunday from a holiday in Spain, as he had an appointment with German Bundestag speaker Rita Suessmuth.

113.   After dinner with Kinkel, he had an appointment in Bonn with Social Democrat party leader Oskar Lafontaine and SPD foreign affairs spokesman Guenter Verheugen.

114.   The regional government of North Rhine-Westphalia denied that Clement would attend any such meeting, saying he had another appointment at the weekend.

115.   White House spokesman David Johnson said Lee has an appointment to meet with Gore at the White House Friday and that the president will drop in on the meeting.

116.   Lin Cheng-chieh told reporters he wanted to meet President Jiang Zemin but did not have an appointment yet.

117.   On Friday he has an appointment with President Jiang Zemin.

118.   On Friday, he has an appointment with President Jiang Zemin.

119.   Police were guarding the entrance to the ward and were letting in only people who had appointments with Djohar.

120.   The minister denied he was going to the press conference and said he had an appointment with the US consul in Jerusalem.

v. + appointment >>共 301
make 14.69%
announce 13.69%
have 4.46%
approve 4.06%
confirm 4.02%
accept 2.68%
keep 2.27%
cancel 2.27%
include 2.05%
seek 1.90%
have + n. >>共 1145
chance 2.31%
problem 2.14%
trouble 1.82%
right 1.67%
plan 1.46%
idea 1.28%
lot 1.20%
time 1.09%
child 1.04%
power 1.04%
appointment 0.03%
每页显示:    共 119