111.   The group had been using a satellite telephone to stay in regular contact with Soros Foundation officials in Moscow.

112.   The group has used the money to hire a San Antonio-based firm called Public Strategies Inc. to conduct an advertising campaign to promote the bond measure.

113.   The group should use its leverage to integrate with industrialized countries like the U.S., Canada and the countries that make up the European Union, said Menem.

114.   The group uses ballot initiatives to go directly to voters, who Nadelmann said are more open to change.

115.   The group uses the Internet itself to organize around Internet-related issues.

116.   The group uses weekly figures for categories such as crude oil stockpiles and imports.

117.   The intelligence service said it believed that the militant groups use Canada for fund raising, safe haven, and recruiting Canadian citizens in ethnic communities.

118.   The hope is that interested groups will use the data to develop new ways of extracting hidden information.

119.   The group apparently used a cellular device to update the site until Tuesday morning.

120.   The group had long used France as a sanctuary, and the new Gonzalez government wanted to put a stop to that.

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group + v. >>共 723
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