111.   Last year, the government launched a campaign to get lone parents back to work by offering them incentives and training, but there were few takers.

112.   Last August in the run-up to an election that Howard won convincingly, the government also launched a tough new policy of turning away boats operated by people smugglers.

113.   Last January, the German government launched a publicity campaign against the Church of Scientology, saying it threatens democracy and should be put under surveillance.

114.   Last Sunday, the government launched an offensive to drive rebels from their positions in the steep hills overlooking the city.

115.   Local governments have launched campaigns to clean up their beaches to promote tourism, often building new treatment plants or restructuring old ones.

116.   Last year, the government launched a massive controversial clove conversion program to reduce the oversupply of cloves.

117.   Last year, the government launched a nationwide campaign to educate people about AIDS.

118.   Marie Carthy, sister of the dead man, called on the Irish government to launch a full public inquiry into the shooting.

119.   Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Alatas announced recently the government would launch a national plan of action this year to promote the protection of human rights in Indonesia.

120.   Moussaoui said that because of the raid, the U.S. government had launched an undercover surveillance operation against him.

n. + launch >>共 753
police 8.89%
force 7.75%
government 7.47%
authority 4.70%
company 4.37%
rebel 4.25%
army 3.79%
troop 3.63%
group 2.12%
official 1.98%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
launch 0.36%
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