111.   In her letter, Clarke expressed regret over the handling of the news media at the base.

112.   In an interview, he expressed no regrets and pledged support for Delahunt against Teague.

113.   In an unprecedented apology that some saw as a sign the North was desperate for food aid, Pyongyang expressed regret for the incident.

114.   In New York, the American publisher, John Donatich, issued a statement expressing regret.

115.   In his memoirs, he expressed regret that he had not made a greater effort to kill the loyalty program instituted to root out communist subversives.

116.   In the car on the way back downtown, she expresses regret that so many of the Surrealists are represented by what she considers secondary works.

117.   In subsequent interviews, he detailed his alcoholic escapades and expressed regret for the toll taken on his career, family life and health.

118.   In the months since the cease-fire was declared, Sinn Fein has expressed regret for the IRA killings.

119.   In the vignette, Will Percy expressed regret and promised a trial for the policeman.

120.   In the Walters interview, both brothers express regret but continue to convey rage at their parents.

v. + regret >>共 65
express 46.05%
have 42.03%
voice 3.04%
send 1.40%
offer 0.85%
feel 0.73%
show 0.73%
harbor 0.49%
acknowledge 0.30%
convey 0.30%
express + n. >>共 264
concern 19.92%
interest 7.28%
hope 4.78%
support 4.54%
confidence 4.41%
regret 2.88%
doubt 2.88%
fear 2.60%
reservation 2.51%
optimism 2.09%
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