111.   In the event of a war, the strike corps is tasked with the crucial role of launching offensive operations in enemy territory.

112.   Access to Sarajevo for Moslems and Croats across Bosnian Serb-held areas has been possible for some months, though it meant crossing what was effectively enemy territory.

113.   Attempts under the Dayton peace accords to return the displaced and refugees to their former homes in what was enemy territory has been hampered by the spate of attacks.

114.   Earlier in the day, Greek jets and warships staged a mock recapture of enemy territory off the southern coastal town of Larnaca.

115.   Few were taking the opportunity of a bus ride into former enemy territory.

116.   There is disagreement over the reasons for why far fewer voters chose to cross into former enemy territory to vote.

117.   It relies heavily on external supplies flown in from Croatia on dangerous nightime flights over enemy territory.

118.   Makes surging runs deep into enemy territory.

119.   NATO troops on Wednesday started distributing security route maps to Bosnian voters wanting to cast their ballots in former enemy territory, NATO officials said.

120.   Saturday, Croatian television played near constant clips of patriotic music to the backdrop of soldiers running through enemy territory.

a. + territory >>共 481
palestinian 15.47%
occupied 5.22%
serb-held 5.16%
positive 2.68%
serb 2.51%
disputed 2.41%
new 2.29%
negative 2.13%
palestinian-controlled 1.81%
uncharted 1.55%
enemy 1.13%
enemy + n. >>共 336
fire 8.14%
force 6.54%
territory 6.33%
line 6.23%
troop 5.20%
fighter 4.74%
soldier 4.02%
missile 3.35%
position 2.68%
radar 2.63%
每页显示:    共 122