111.   - Corruption, nepotism and violation of the rules have become so grave that in some cases national security has been endangered.

112.   According to a decree issued by the Islamic courts, such weapons seriously endanger security in areas under their jurisdiction.

113.   A Taiwanese journalist Thursday denied he had endangered national security by uncovering a slush fund used to finance secretive diplomatic missions and spying operations in China.

114.   They were serving long sentences for endangering national security.

115.   Monitoring developments after Next Magazine raided on charges of attempting to endanger national security by reporting on secret expense accounts.

116.   Netanyahu has also rejected calls for a Palestinian state, arguing that this would endanger the security, if not the very existence, of Israel.

117.   Only days before the end of his presidency, Walesa further alleged that Oleksy had endangered state security.

118.   Only days before his term ended, president Lech Walesa also accused him of endangering state security, but Oleksy strongly denied any wrongdoing.

119.   Outgoing Polish President Lech Walesa also accused him of endangering state security, but Oleksy strongly denied any wrongdoing.

120.   Since December, NATO has made intense efforts to convince the Russians that enlargement would not endanger its security.

v. + security >>共 638
tighten 8.10%
provide 7.43%
step_up 5.27%
improve 4.37%
sell 4.33%
increase 4.28%
beef_up 3.25%
buy 3.22%
threaten 2.30%
guarantee 2.22%
endanger 1.28%
endanger + n. >>共 390
life 16.14%
security 7.54%
welfare 4.17%
safety 3.43%
health 2.62%
civilian 1.74%
species 1.62%
child 1.50%
public 1.37%
hostage 1.31%
每页显示:    共 120