111.   Kosovo was reported quiet Wednesday, but a top government official in the ethnic Albanian majority province warned a new offensive was possible anytime authorities deemed it necessary.

112.   King Norodom Sihanouk can also grant pardons and has done so for Khmer Rouge leaders when deemed necessary for peace.

113.   Kosovo was reportedly quiet Wednesday, but a top government official in the ethnic Albanian majority province warned a new offensive was possible anytime authorities deemed it necessary.

114.   Lim plans to stay in the North for three days, but the trip could be extended if deemed necessary by the two sides, his office said.

115.   No operation was deemed necessary at the time.

116.   No such action had been deemed necessary as of Saturday, Evans said.

117.   Netanyahu warned after the attack that he might send troops into the autonomous Palestinian areas if he deemed such action necessary to protect Israeli lives.

118.   Once public hearings are complete, the health department will then make changes it deems necessary to the regulations and they will become law.

119.   President of TUF, Thiraphong Chansiri, said earlier the company had no plans to increase capital, but a hike was likely if it was deemed necessary.

120.   Residents of every city in America would take whatever steps deemed necessary to protect their families.

v. + necessary >>共 21
deem 29.23%
make 24.08%
find 16.18%
consider 12.13%
think 8.64%
force 3.49%
believe 2.57%
see 0.74%
judge 0.55%
cut 0.37%
deem + a. >>共 553
necessary 8.12%
appropriate 2.96%
dangerous 1.99%
safe 1.99%
important 1.99%
worthy 1.94%
inappropriate 1.79%
essential 1.68%
illegal 1.58%
responsible 1.33%
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