111.   In the case of the database project, it is doubtful that the machine-readable data would be of any use whatsoever.

112.   However, the raw data is readable by other means, for example in SPSS, though this is difficult.

113.   Electronically created data has been and is being produced in a number of different organizational and technological environments.

114.   They argue that support acted as an antecedent protective factor, but as their data was not longitudinal, the relationships they found are open to alternative explanations.

115.   At present, data is available only on those approved since that date.

116.   The statistical data is not sufficiently large to enable satisfactory significance tests to be performed.

117.   All the data is in character format and, since the files will not be read by other versions of BASIC, no extra control characters have been added.

118.   The absorbance versus temperature data were converted to the first derivative and the melting temperature was defined as the temperature at which the derivative curve attained its maximum value.

119.   However these data were difficult to interpret rigorously because of the large number of overlapping binding sites.

120.   The data are patchy, but indicate a steady, if unspectacular, rise in concentration.

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