111.   Sen. Ernest F. Hollings, recovering from eye surgery Wednesday, wore dark glasses.

112.   Shawn provided Simpson such items as dark glasses, a typewrittten demand note, a walkie-talkie, a pellet gun, and a change of clothes.

113.   She adjusted her dark glasses as she walked the course and went about her business of hitting accurate shots.

114.   She joins a long queue of unusually comely women in dark glasses and scarves, waiting for the church doors to open for the rite of confession.

115.   She wore very, very dark glasses and a tan and black zebra-striped raincoat.

116.   She appeared with him at the news conference Thursday, also wearing a pair of dark glasses.

117.   Still, his original idea was a bit more ambitious, a bit more, well, Disney seen through dark glasses.

118.   Tears leaked from beneath his dark glasses.

119.   Taylor, as is his wont, looks through a dark glass lightly.

120.   That day she wore dark glasses and a baseball cap and a white terry cloth robe.

a. + glass >>共 942
broken 10.60%
flying 5.95%
dark 4.01%
shattered 2.94%
wine 2.46%
tall 2.14%
thick 2.12%
bulletproof 2.00%
large 1.79%
reading 1.69%
dark + n. >>共 1380
suit 6.14%
side 4.83%
hair 4.71%
cloud 3.49%
eye 3.02%
glass 2.50%
day 1.95%
matter 1.49%
room 1.41%
corner 1.17%
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