111.   The cuts come as figures on inflation, capacity utilization, unemployment and industrial activity all indicate sluggish economic growth.

112.   The cuts come at a time when overall job growth in New York City has been flat, and few industries can be described as robust.

113.   The cuts do not come as a surprise to Colorado officials who say they have been planning for them for months.

114.   The cuts will come across the board, though one executive suggested that the majority of job losses would come from the strategy consulting group.

115.   The cuts came alongside a multi-billion dollar settlement of a lawsuit states like North Carolina filed against tobacco companies to recoup the cost of smoking-related illnesses.

116.   The cuts come amid prospects for sluggish economic growth and low inflation this year.

117.   The cuts come at a time when borrowing money for school has reached an all-time high.

118.   The cuts come on top of others that hit New York especially hard.

119.   The cuts have come across-the-board.

120.   The cuts would come from wages, health care, pension plans and virtually every other cost area.

n. + come >>共 1444
time 1.70%
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money 1.03%
attack 0.91%
report 0.77%
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cut 0.28%
cut + v. >>共 562
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come 5.56%
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affect 2.49%
take 1.99%
make 1.70%
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