111.   The Clintons themselves created the atmosphere that made these ethical lapses almost inevitable.

112.   The firm has blocked access to hundreds of Web sites that create an atmosphere of hostility or intimidation because of their racial references or sexual explicitness, McDade said.

113.   The idea was to create an atmosphere unsoured by threats.

114.   The idea was that pulling troops out of what were already rebel strongholds could create an atmosphere of good will in peace talks.

115.   The lawsuits also asserted that Mitsubishi managers had created an atmosphere that condoned such behavior.

116.   The Olympic Games were supposed to create an atmosphere that would draw people to this sterile area of high-rise buildings.

117.   The open kitchen-dining room setup can get noisy, but it creates an atmosphere of excitement that is infectious.

118.   The players all credit Johnson for creating an atmosphere in which they can be loose and also focus on work.

119.   The purge has created an atmosphere of suspicion and fear in Uzbekistan.

120.   The remarks from Blatter have created an atmosphere of near hysteria.

v. + atmosphere >>共 274
create 20.21%
improve 4.68%
have 3.93%
describe 3.46%
poison 2.90%
enter 2.15%
change 2.15%
destabilize 1.96%
re-enter 1.68%
sour 1.68%
create + n. >>共 1362
job 5.22%
problem 3.16%
opportunity 1.68%
condition 1.07%
program 0.94%
atmosphere 0.81%
chance 0.78%
tension 0.74%
illusion 0.71%
sense 0.67%
每页显示:    共 215