111.   Brandon craned his neck to breathe.

112.   Children sat on the runways to picnic on soft drinks and ham sandwiches and craned their necks to watch Mirage and Rafale fighter jets roar overhead.

113.   From the roof of his home, Ali Abu Hamdan craned his neck to catch a glimpse of the fireworks lighting up the Jerusalem skyline in the distance.

114.   He and other lawmakers are upset at new circular seating arrangements which mean some members must crane their necks to address the House speaker.

115.   He craned his neck for a glimpse of Grandma.

116.   He would have had to crane his neck like a swan to get in the way of any of them.

117.   His ankles shackled, accused terrorist Wadih El-Hage shuffles into a somber courtroom each day, craning his neck until he spots his Texan wife.

118.   In Amman, spectators craned their necks to see the Star of David insignia on the Israeli jets flying overhead.

119.   In Sarajevo, people craned their necks as warplanes zoomed over around noon.

120.   In Sarajevo, people craned their necks upward as the jets began their attacks.

v. + neck >>共 219
crane 16.27%
break 12.23%
stick_out 5.94%
hurt 2.38%
strain 2.38%
injure 2.14%
twist 1.90%
slash 1.90%
snap 1.54%
grab 1.54%
crane + n. >>共 7
neck 87.26%
head 9.55%
ear 0.64%
look 0.64%
mouth 0.64%
nexks 0.64%
stand 0.64%
每页显示:    共 136