111.   Nobody believes that a Medicare blockbuster can be passed next year when incumbents will turn cowardly on every controversial issue.

112.   Now, to make progress on more controversial issues, politicians are using the similar argument that their pet causes help the fight against terrorism.

113.   Observers and analysts said the Japanese government has been reluctant to strike out on its own on issues as controversial as Three Gorges.

114.   Now, the blaming of man-made CFCs for ozone depletion is no longer a controversial issue, said Bowman.

115.   On another question, Middlebrooks said he wanted to remain an ABA member, but disagreed with its activist position on controversial legal issues.

116.   On controversial issues, these voices can be persuasive.

117.   On the controversial issue of abortion, Wilkins joined in a ruling that the state must provide abortion services for poor women on Medicaid.

118.   On the other hand, taking positions on controversial issues is a staple of electoral politics.

119.   One controversial issue left out of the commodities reform bill in the so-called Treasury Amendment to the Commodity Exchange Act.

120.   Often, for the candidates, choosing sides on a controversial local issue can cause them to lose more votes than they might gain.

a. + issue >>共 663
key 3.73%
major 3.06%
important 2.78%
political 2.71%
social 2.44%
sensitive 2.18%
economic 2.17%
contentious 1.91%
environmental 1.85%
new 1.79%
controversial 1.05%
controversial + n. >>共 1349
issue 5.38%
decision 3.03%
plan 2.27%
figure 2.14%
law 2.13%
proposal 1.55%
bill 1.24%
provision 1.22%
measure 1.13%
call 1.10%
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