111.   The spill reduced fishing time, hurt tourism and required a costly cleanup effort.

112.   There are longer odds for two others, Tom Grumbly, who formerly headed a nuclear weapons cleanup effort at Energy, and Deputy Energy Secretary T.J. Glauthier.

113.   The unprecedented cleanup effort finished several months earlier than originally anticipated and at a fraction of the estimated cost.

114.   Thousands of fishermen, firefighters and volunteers are helping coast guard cleanup efforts by scrubbing rocks, scooping up the tarlike oil and hauling it away.

115.   Thousands of fishermen, firefighters and volunteers are helping coast guard cleanup efforts by scrubbing rocks, scooping up the tar-like oil and hauling it away.

116.   Tsakhi said that two Russian ships were taking part in the cleanup efforts and a third ship might be dispatched soon.

117.   Zedillo, who arrived Thursday, spent Friday inspecting the damage to homes and businesses, and reviewing the progress of the cleanup efforts.

118.   Workers said it would take a week to determine if the latest cleanup effort at the Hart Senate Office Building worked.

119.   After a short reprieve, snow began falling again on the US capital by late morning, keeping the Washington National Airport closed and complicating cleanup efforts.

120.   The Russians have already chosen an international consortium to lead the cleanup efforts.

n. + effort >>共 520
peace 14.19%
rescue 9.15%
relief 6.69%
government 4.86%
war 3.53%
mediation 2.98%
recovery 2.31%
reform 2.17%
aid 1.39%
team 1.35%
cleanup 1.09%
cleanup + n. >>共 138
effort 11.76%
hitter 10.51%
crew 8.20%
operation 6.46%
cost 5.69%
work 5.30%
spot 4.73%
program 3.28%
plan 3.28%
worker 2.31%
每页显示:    共 121