111.   If Rudy Giuliani does stay in the New York Senate race while undergoing cancer treatment, he could find the race a little more crowded.

112.   If so, that could make the drug a competitor to several cancer treatments under development for reducing blood flow to tumors.

113.   IDEC Pharmaceuticals Corp. and Genentech Inc. won approval from the Food and Drug Administration for their Rituximab cancer treatment, the combines announced today.

114.   IDEC Pharmaceuticals Corp. and Genentech Inc. won approval from the Food and Drug Administration for their Rituximab cancer treatment, the companies announced today.

115.   In addition to advice from cosmetologists, the monthly get-togethers provide free-and-safe cosmetics from leading manufacturers to any woman undergoing any type of cancer treatment.

116.   In a subplot, a promising cancer treatment is suppressed by a drug-company executive whose firm is developing a rival treatment.

117.   In addition to cancer treatment, participants receive coverage for other medical conditions such as hypertension or diabetes.

118.   In addition, Neupogen and Leukine are stimulating an entire new area of cancer treatment, called peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation.

119.   In August, her mother, Idul Wara, a devout Muslim, joined Ms. Nasrin in New York and received cancer treatments.

120.   In unexpected ways, the cancer treatment helped Armstrong win the Tour de France as a rider for the team sponsored by the US Postal Service.

n. + treatment >>共 759
cancer 9.91%
drug 9.42%
hospital 6.03%
radiation 4.92%
chemotherapy 4.09%
fertility 3.72%
tax 2.48%
dialysis 1.96%
laser 1.94%
water 1.73%
cancer + n. >>共 364
patient 13.46%
cell 10.60%
treatment 8.74%
surgery 5.30%
drug 5.13%
research 5.09%
risk 4.01%
rate 3.19%
survivor 2.75%
death 2.27%
每页显示:    共 417