111.   Currently they have taken opposing sides on whether to seek an independent prosecutor for the inquiry into campaign finances.

112.   Cuomo considers campaign finance and lobbying reform, and taking strong steps to limit the influence of lobbyists, to be especially important.

113.   Congress has crafted and is fighting to preserve a system of campaign finance that amounts to legalized bribery.

114.   Craddick, who was traveling Thursday, could not be reached for comment on his speaker campaign finances.

115.   Critics who believe spending limits infringe on free speech are expected to challenge any campaign finance restructuring in court.

116.   Critics, including some Republicans, said that rather than reforming campaign finance, the bill would worsen some aspects of the system to which they object.

117.   Democrats call it the do-nothing Congress, one that failed to come to grips with issues like gun control, campaign finance and Medicare coverage of prescription drugs.

118.   Democrats, joined by some Republicans, are planning to press again for an overhaul of campaign finance laws.

119.   Despite his stature as an established Washington insider, DeConcini still has some reformer instincts, especially in the area of campaign finance.

120.   Disputes are also lingering between the House and the Senate over campaign finance and health care.

n. + finance >>共 134
campaign 49.58%
government 8.20%
project 3.57%
trade 3.57%
school 3.21%
consumer 2.50%
city 2.50%
company 1.90%
equity 1.43%
business 0.95%
campaign + n. >>共 537
reform 6.62%
trail 6.30%
contribution 5.55%
manager 2.75%
law 2.61%
finance 2.53%
issue 2.44%
official 2.25%
promise 1.97%
aide 1.85%
每页显示:    共 415