111.   The Greek government promised tougher border security Friday after a truck carrying illegal immigrants crashed, killing six people and injuring dozens of others.

112.   The defectors told a news conference Tuesday that the food shortage has gotten worse, and that border security has been tightened to prevent increasing escapes.

113.   The issue has overshadowed the sense of unity on such issues as beefing up border security and on a EU definition on a terrorist act.

114.   The main issues addressed by regional military leaders have been mutual training, peace management, border security and building trust.

115.   The new treaty gives the EU new authority over immigration and border security of member nations.

116.   The moves came at a meeting of Balkan and southeast European defense ministers to discuss the war on terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and border security.

117.   The newspaper Bangkok Post cited Thai border officials Tuesday as saying border security has been tightened against renegade ethnic Karens from Burma and unidentified intruders.

118.   The region has been hit hard by the U.S. economic slowdown and tightened border security that has caused delays and hurt businesses that rely on cross-border commerce.

119.   The treaty, negotiated last year, would give the EU new authority over immigration and border security.

120.   The trial was closed to foreign reporters after Truong threatened to incriminate top officials in the powerful Interior Ministry, which controls border security.

n. + security >>共 443
job 16.07%
fixed-income 12.85%
airport 8.54%
government 8.50%
debt 4.39%
mortgage 4.35%
border 3.56%
homeland 2.56%
computer 2.10%
treasury 1.93%
border + n. >>共 311
guard 11.55%
crossing 8.17%
area 7.12%
post 4.82%
region 4.27%
control 3.93%
police 3.58%
dispute 3.55%
town 3.54%
enclave 2.51%
security 1.51%
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