111.   Under Fascism, women were barred from holding certain jobs and were encouraged to stay home and bear children.

112.   Under the Taliban interpretation of Islam, women are barred from most jobs.

113.   Under the Taliban interpretation of Islam, women are barred from most jobs, entertainment such as television and music is outlawed, and men have to wear beards.

114.   Under the Taliban, women were barred from working except in health care.

115.   Under Taliban rules women are barred from education and work outside their houses, all kinds of light entertainment including music are banned.

116.   Under theTaliban, women were barred from working except in health care.

117.   Women are barred from driving.

118.   Women were barred from having jobs.

119.   Women were barred from work or school, and had to cover themselves from head to toe in tent-like robes called burqas.

120.   Why does he suddenly think that it is time for a female president, other than the fact that Islam does not bar women from state leadership?

v. + woman >>共 742
kill 5.19%
include 4.20%
rape 2.70%
see 1.95%
injure 1.72%
take 1.50%
treat 1.44%
marry 1.38%
help 1.28%
arrest 1.27%
bar 1.01%
bar + n. >>共 1096
journalist 4.30%
reporter 3.69%
woman 2.41%
company 2.37%
discrimination 1.59%
use 1.57%
inspector 1.25%
access 1.18%
entry 1.14%
people 1.12%
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