111.   Most of those had no flood insurance, and routine federal aid is limited.

112.   More Japanese aid is on the way, which could mean more business for Japanese companies.

113.   Much more aid could be on the way.

114.   Much attention has been focused on the fact that a key navigational aid was out of service for maintenance.

115.   Nor is military aid likely to end the drug problem.

116.   Now, the monetary fund and the government must rewrite parts of the loan agreement, in the midst of a crisis the aid was meant to prevent.

117.   Nor has there been any aid from the state or from relief organizations, which left Kosovo because of the war.

118.   On the other hand, said Lukas, never since one thoroughbred began racing another has so much veterinary aid been available.

119.   Officials in Washington say aid is under consideration, but add that they want clearer proof of serious malnutrition before any is offered.

120.   Pakistan claims to provide only moral encouragement to the militants while India insists that the aid is a lethal mix of training and weapons.

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aid + v. >>共 300
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