111.   The study calculated the year in which non-smokers of a given age became smokers and also the dates of major cigarette advertising campaigns.

112.   The Senate committee is investigating whether the Citizen Action advertising campaign violated federal election laws.

113.   The vote came in the midst of a high-profile advertising campaign by Northrop Grumman Corp., the prime contractor for the plane.

114.   Their idea of art is a devastating multimillion-dollar advertising campaign slandering anyone with the gall to run against them.

115.   They have launched a multimillion dollar advertising campaign to kill it.

116.   They will start selling products on the Monday before Thanksgiving and will be promoted heavily in a holiday advertising campaign, Thomas said.

117.   This is the budget the Democrats have compared to Godzilla in their radio advertising campaign.

118.   This week the powerful American Medical Association threw its endorsement behind the Norwood-Dingell bill and announced a newspaper advertising campaign to promote the measure.

119.   To fight the drug, Iowa has begun a radio and television advertising campaign to warn people of the dangers.

120.   Though the Bush advertising campaign currently is inactive here, the Texas governor is not writing off the state, Juliano said.

v. + campaign >>共 789
launch 9.99%
begin 4.48%
bomb 3.55%
wage 3.32%
run 2.65%
start 2.43%
mount 2.43%
lead 2.38%
finance 2.28%
continue 2.18%
advertise 2.14%
advertise + n. >>共 448
campaign 13.27%
product 5.39%
service 3.25%
director 1.28%
event 1.20%
sale 1.20%
brand 1.20%
ware 1.20%
job 1.03%
position 0.94%
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