111.   Nor, it noted, was she his legally adoptive parent.

112.   Officials in Essex County declined to say why the couple were turned down as adoptive parents, citing privacy laws.

113.   One of her younger sisters was told by her adoptive parents that her dark hair, skin and eyes came from Spanish ancestors.

114.   Other adoptive parents tell of similar experiences.

115.   Once adoptive parents are interested and qualified, Ms. Younkin said, the social events are among the happier methods of promoting matches.

116.   Out-of-state couples like to adopt in Texas, she said, because agencies offer nonresidents equal priority with residents, and laws here are favorable to adoptive parents.

117.   Prospective adoptive parents learn that public agency adoption is free with an average wait of nine months to a year.

118.   Richard Lifshitz, the lawyer for the adoptive parents, said they would appeal the ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court in the fall.

119.   Raised by adoptive parents, the twins had never met their mother, though they learned of her existence a couple of years ago.

120.   Ronald Stoddart is executive director of Nightlight Christian Adoptions, which, among other things, places surplus embryos with adoptive parents.

a. + parent >>共 1215
foster 5.30%
single 4.87%
adoptive 4.11%
working 3.13%
new 2.41%
biological 2.32%
elderly 2.26%
prospective 1.60%
worried 1.31%
corporate 1.23%
adoptive + n. >>共 26
parent 55.20%
family 12.44%
mother 11.09%
father 7.01%
home 5.66%
child 1.81%
country 1.13%
couple 0.68%
land 0.68%
one 0.45%
每页显示:    共 243