111.   Even stalwart Republicans like Cisco Systems chief executive John Chambers concede that, so far, the Clinton-Gore administration has had the inside track in Silicon Valley.

112.   Ever since four days of U.S. and British airstrikes against Iraq last December, the administration has openly stepped up contacts with Iraqi opposition leaders.

113.   Every administration has its own White House style, from the down-home Carters to the upscale Reagans, with the senior Bushes falling somewhere in between.

114.   Finally, the Weld administration would have to succeed in redeploying Medicare and Medicaid funds to reduce nursing home use by the growing numbers of very old Medicaid beneficiaries.

115.   First, he said, the administration had no idea whether the science and technology was available to build the system that it envisioned.

116.   First, though, the administration had to make a critical decision.

117.   For her part, Rice has said she will not concentrate on the relationship with Russia as much as the Clinton administration had.

118.   Fleischer noted that the energy commission is an independent federal agency, adding that the Bush administration has no authority to countermand its orders.

119.   Furthermore, Putin said that any weapons agreement should be part of formal treaty, something the Bush administration has opposed.

120.   Gargano contended that the Cuomo administration had so mismanaged several state agencies that are supposed to nurture job creation that tens of millions of dollars had been lost.

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administration + v. >>共 791
be 7.82%
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