101.   Moya already has a major clay court title this year, at Monte Carlo.

102.   Muster, a former clay-court specialist, will be playing for his third hardcourt title this year.

103.   Neither skier is likely to be caught in those disciplines for the season title this year and could clinch it over the weekend.

104.   Sampras, whose tour-leading seven titles this year include Wimbledon and the Australian Open, had seven aces to one for Rafter.

105.   Schaefer safely guided Cameroon through the African Nations Cup, the team successfully defending its title this year in Mali.

106.   Schett is looking for her first title this year.

107.   Ruby has won four World Cup giant slalom titles this year.

108.   Sampras leads the tour with seven titles this year, including Wimbledon and the Australian Open.

109.   Sampras leads the tour with seven titles this year, including Wimbledon.

110.   She has won nine titles this year with four different partners.

n. + title >>共 462
world 17.59%
division 9.12%
league 7.15%
heavyweight 6.01%
season 4.65%
year 3.40%
single 2.31%
tournament 2.31%
career 2.29%
conference 2.12%
year + n. >>共 1338
time 5.11%
more 2.12%
growth 1.01%
game 1.01%
tournament 0.85%
market 0.76%
team 0.75%
title 0.75%
profit 0.72%
event 0.70%
每页显示:    共 174