101.   India on Thursday challenged Islamic guerrillas in Kashmir to take part in state legislative elections this year to prove their popular support.

102.   India on Thursday challenged Islamic guerrillas in Kashmir to take part in state legislative elections this year to prove that the militants enjoy public support.

103.   Ms. Bhutto has claimed that such money was used to rig elections that year, which she lost.

104.   New Hampshire traditionally is the first state in presidential election years to hold a primary to select delegates to the Democratic and Republican party national nominating conventions.

105.   None in the corner crowd expects elections this year.

106.   Patterson said previously that he wanted to hold elections this year.

107.   President Liamine Zeroual has reiterated his intention to hold the elections this year.

108.   Progress has been slowed on some fronts, however, because France and Germany have leadership elections this year and politicians are wary of upsetting powerful labor unions.

109.   Several opposition activists and journalists have been arrested since disputed presidential elections this year under harsh new media and security laws.

110.   Sudan has asked a number of regional and international organizations to send observers to Parliament and presidential elections this year, state-run Omdurman Radio reported Tuesday.

n. + election >>共 309
runoff 9.72%
fall 8.80%
midterm 7.41%
year 6.02%
weekend 5.62%
spring 4.46%
leadership 4.10%
self-rule 3.31%
government 2.91%
run-off 2.87%
year + n. >>共 1338
time 5.11%
more 2.12%
growth 1.01%
game 1.01%
tournament 0.85%
market 0.76%
team 0.75%
title 0.75%
profit 0.72%
event 0.70%
election 0.65%
每页显示:    共 150