101.   Through the home-rule, or charter, process, voters will decide whether they want to make county government more autonomous from the Legislature.

102.   This year, as in many years, the Heisman voters decide early and mail their ballots.

103.   To make sure state politicians got the message, voters passed another measure that said the lawmakers could not undo what the voters had just decided to do.

104.   Today, German voters will decide whether Kohl was correct.

105.   Ultimately, the voters will decide what is nitpicking and what is significant in the daily barrages from the campaign trail.

106.   Voters may well decide that given the narrowing differences in positions between the powers that be and its opposition, they might as well vote for change.

107.   Voters decided on stamp subjects honoring significant people, places, events and trends of each decade during the century.

108.   Voters must also decide whether to give a retroactive rubber stamp to emergency measures taken last year as the Kosovo refugee inflow was gathering steam.

109.   Voters also will decide state races for lieutenant governor, secretary of state, superintendent of public instruction, treasurer, insurance commissioner and controller.

110.   Voters apparently decided that he was worth the risk.

n. + decide >>共 692
government 7.18%
official 4.56%
company 4.18%
court 3.83%
judge 2.39%
authority 2.24%
prosecutor 1.85%
leader 1.65%
committee 1.55%
jury 1.54%
voter 1.35%
voter + v. >>共 800
be 12.12%
have 4.28%
approve 3.80%
say 3.40%
reject 3.04%
choose 2.64%
cast 2.29%
want 2.15%
decide 2.12%
go 2.03%
每页显示:    共 189