101.   Asia is a vital U.S. interest, but not a hot spot.

102.   Axworthy said after his talks that Canada considered a smooth transition to be of vital interest to Canada because of the large presence of Hong Kong immigrants in Canada.

103.   Britain already uses its veto to stop measures it feels are against its vital national interests.

104.   Chirac said he favors removing the veto except when national vital interests were at stake.

105.   Elected on a domestic platform, Clinton -- like his predecessor Bush -- considered the Balkans a European problem without any vital U.S. interest at stake.

106.   Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy said a smooth transition is of vital interest to Canada because it has a large contingent of Hong Kong immigrants.

107.   For Japan the Southeast Asian market is of a vital interest.

108.   I pledge to you I will never send an American army to fight in a foreign war unless our country is attacked or our vital interests are imperiled.

109.   In Washington, Defense Secretary William Perry defended the buildup, saying vital U.S. interests are at stake in the Persian Gulf region.

110.   Jordan has vital interests in Palestinian-Israeli negotiations on the final status of the Palestinian territories, its prime minister said Monday.

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vital + n. >>共 754
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