101.   He said Clinton on Tuesday telephoned Harkin to urge swift action on the nomination.

102.   He urged action against people who throw rubbish into rivers and drains, causing them to clog up and overflow after heavy rain.

103.   Although President Fidel Ramos urged diplomatic action on Wednesday, Manila still has to file a full-blown diplomatic protest.

104.   But union leaders urged limited action, starting on Monday, before going into a full-scale strike.

105.   Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson and other prominent black clerics also visited the victim in hospital and urged peaceful action.

106.   Effi Eitam, minister without portfolio from the right-wing National Religious Party, urged stiff action.

107.   These were some of the main points in a long and detailed resolution urging international action on Bosnia.

108.   Until Iraq is a position to pay, ROPME is continuing to urge action from the international community.

109.   Meanwhile, the Bahraini press on Friday ran front-page headlines urging world action on terrorism.

110.   The Bahraini press on Friday ran front-page headlines urging world action on terrorism.

v. + action >>共 497
take 38.73%
see 3.24%
threaten 2.57%
face 1.92%
consider 1.87%
defend 1.71%
demand 1.44%
plan 1.01%
delay 0.98%
await 0.94%
urge 0.71%
urge + n. >>共 828
caution 6.24%
authority 4.80%
restraint 4.30%
people 3.70%
end 2.67%
action 2.54%
government 2.42%
calm 1.53%
boycott 1.49%
support 1.39%
每页显示:    共 110