101.   The men and women who man the EU borders talk with pride about their mission to uphold the law.

102.   The law was upheld by a huge majority of voters.

103.   The laws had been upheld by a Superior Court judge, who said they promoted equal opportunity, not unequal preferences.

104.   The New Jersey Supreme Court upheld the law in a decision last year.

105.   The New Jersey law has been upheld on appeal.

106.   The ruling gives sex shops at least two months more in business while they appeal a lower court decision that upheld the law.

107.   The Supreme Court on Monday upheld state laws that require teen-agers who want an abortion to tell a parent.

108.   The U.S. Justice Department, in a motion supporting the state, urged the court to uphold the law.

109.   The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the laws twice, most recently in January.

110.   The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, however, reversed that decision and upheld the law.

v. + law >>共 518
violate 9.53%
pass 9.12%
break 6.53%
enforce 5.17%
change 4.12%
have 3.37%
enact 2.36%
practice 2.01%
use 1.65%
repeal 1.52%
uphold 0.99%
uphold + n. >>共 338
decision 8.58%
law 7.97%
ruling 6.69%
conviction 5.56%
sentence 5.09%
right 3.11%
ban 3.06%
verdict 2.50%
rule 2.26%
constitutionality 1.60%
每页显示:    共 168