101.   The Beta news agency in Belgrade quoted unidentified NATO officials as saying that peacekeepers deactivated six remote-controlled bombs Friday near the southwestern Serb enclave of Strpce.

102.   The broadcast quoted an unidentified judicial official as saying the arrests were made in Tehran and the central Iranian city of Isfahan.

103.   The China Times Express quoted unidentified officials as saying Lee had originally planned to include visits to the two countries during his Middle East trip earlier this month.

104.   The China Times quoted unidentified military officials as saying that the military has decided to buy an unspecified number of Avenger systems, manufactured by Hughes Aircraft Co.

105.   The China Times quoted unidentified military officials as saying they did not believe the Chinese want armed conflict.

106.   The China Times quoted unidentified Taiwanese military officials as saying the exercises will be larger than Taiwan had expected and may include missile tests.

107.   The food was offered in response to a request from North Korea last year, the United Daily News quoted unidentified officials as saying.

108.   The foreign minister, who met Thursday with Palestinian negotiator Yasser Abed Rabbo, said Jordan will also play host to an unidentified Israeli official.

109.   The English-language newspaper quoted an unidentified official of the airline as saying in Jiddah that flights, suspended last month, would restart Wednesday.

110.   The defense also sought access to an unidentified CIA official who was with slain CIA officer Johnny Micheal Spann when Spann was killed during a prison uprising in Afghanistan.

a. + official >>共 393
senior 8.00%
military 5.53%
top 4.38%
state 3.93%
local 3.86%
israeli 3.77%
palestinian 3.40%
russian 3.34%
american 2.86%
federal 2.74%
unidentified 0.25%
unidentified + n. >>共 564
gunman 12.97%
source 10.64%
man 10.46%
assailant 5.15%
official 4.38%
attacker 2.84%
woman 2.43%
person 2.17%
body 2.03%
people 1.95%
每页显示:    共 215