101.   Given such unanimity in the doctrinal and disciplinary tradition of the church, Paul VI was able to declare that this tradition is unchanged and unchangeable.

102.   Guess the Sox tradition is hard to overcome.

103.   Hall concedes that a closely held tradition is not the sole reason that Texas ranks as the death-sentence leader of the free world.

104.   He decided, as a gesture of good will, to make a pair of shoes for Fillmore, and a tradition was born.

105.   He is destined to return to Trinidad, he said, because there is another tradition, like carnival, that has tied him to the land.

106.   Here, the tradition always was that teachers taught, and students had to figure out for themselves how to learn.

107.   He uses ink processed from samples of human hair gathered from around the world, finessing the notion that cultural traditions are an exclusive product of racial DNA.

108.   I guess tradition is what baseball is all about.

109.   I guess tradition is what I think baseball is all about.

110.   I review groups that might technically be called amateur in areas in which the amateur tradition is still in force.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
people 0.79%
company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
tradition 0.03%
tradition + v. >>共 302
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say 5.31%
continue 4.69%
hold 4.42%
have 3.13%
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dictate 2.11%
begin 1.56%
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